No. 63-3, March 2012
- Aliens in a Foreign Field: Examining Whether States Have the Authority to Pass Legislation in the Field of Immigration Law - Jonathan Futrell
- Business Associations - Paul A. Quiros, Lynn S. Scott, and Jane E. Ledlie
- Democratic Citizenship and Civil Political Conversation: What's Law Got to Do With It? - Marianne Constable
- Fresh Ears, Fresh Eyes: Final Editing Through Reading Aloud - Sarah Gerwig-moore
- Fundamental Dimensions of Law and Legal Education: Perspectives on Curriculum Reform, Mercer Law School's Woodruff Curriculum, and ... "perspectives" - Mark L. Jones
- Introducing a Surprising Conversation About Conversation - Mark L. Jones
- Introduction to Faculty Essays - Gary J. Simson
- Law as Language? - Steven D. Smith
- Municipal Liability? Not So Fast: What Connick v. Thompson Means for Future Prosecutorial Misconduct - T. Owen Farist
- Pedagogy and Purpose: Teaching for Practical Wisdom - Daisy Hurst Floyd
- Reasonable Restrictions on the Franchise: Georgia's Voter Id Act of 2006 - Joseph M. Colwell
- Religious Reason-giving in the Torture Debate: a Response to Jeremy Waldron - David P. Gushee
- Some Concluding Reflections - Recovering the Political: the Problem With Our Political Conversations - Jack L. Sammons
- Teaching Seminars - Pedagogy and Potential - Gary J. Simson
- The Lawyer Meets the Therapist, the Minister, and the Psychiatrist: Law School Cross-professional Collaborations - Timothy W. Floyd
- The Way We Live Now: Rhetorical Persuasion and Democratic Conversation - Eugene Garver
- Thoughts on Legal Education, the Curriculum, and the Importance of Process Over Substance - John O. Cole
- Trusts and Estates Drafting: Avoiding Rigor Mortis in the Law School Curriculum - Karen J. Sneddon
- Two-way Translation: the Ethics of Engaging With Religious Contributions in Public Deliberation - Jeremy Waldron
- Violence and Political Incivility - David Lyons