No. 47-2, June 2022
- Book Review: America’s jails: The search for human dignity in an age of mass incarceration
- Book Review: Confronting underground justice: Reinventing plea bargaining for effective criminal justice reform
- Book Review: Convicted and condemned: The politics and policies of prisoner reentry
- Book Review: Mr. Smith goes to prison: What my year behind bars taught me about America’s prison crisis
- Book Review: Too easy to keep: Life-sentenced prisoners and the future of mass incarceration
- COVID-19's Impact on Probation Professionals’ Views About Their Roles and the Future of Probation
- Examining the Gap Between Prosecutor Attitudes and Decisions: Case Prioritization Through Case Elimination Mechanisms in Driving With a Suspended License Cases
- Justice Professionals’ Lens on Familial Trafficking Cases
- Parole Rules in the United States: Conditions of Parole in Historical Perspective, 1956–2020
- Recent Legal Developments: Criminal Justice Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, 2019 Term
- Testing the Job Demands-Resources Model with Organizational Trust among Prison Staff
- “We Are All Humans and Deserve a Decent Way to Go”: Examining Professional’s Experiences With Providing End-of-Life Care in Correctional Institutions