Zeroing Out Climate Change: A 'Hard Look' at Trump's Social Cost of Carbon

Date01 June 2018
6-2018 NEWS & ANALYSIS 48 ELR 10479
Zeroing Out
Climate Change:
A “Hard Look” at
Trump’s Social
Cost of Carbon
by Doyle Elizabeth Canning
Doyle Elizabeth Canning is a second-year law fellow at
the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics and a third-
year fellow at the Environmental and Natural Resources
Law Center at the University of Oregon School of Law.
President Donald Trump has referred to climate
change as a “hoax,” and in March 2017 issued Exec-
utive Order No. 13783, Promoting Energy Inde-
pendence and Economic Growth. Section 5 of this
Order directs federal agencies to discontinue use of
the social cost of carbon (SCC), a protocol devel-
oped under the Barack Obama Administration to
monetize the impacts of climate-related disasters and
disruption. is directive sets up a conict with the
requirements of NEPA, and likely will be challenged
in the courts. is Article argues that, under exist-
ing NEPA case law, discontinuation and/or drastic
reduction of the SCC by the Trump Administration
is likely legally actionable. It examines possible liti-
gation strategies to challenge the expansion of fos-
sil fuels, presents a thorough analysis of Executive
Order No. 13783, and oers precedent for NEPA
challenges to the SCC rollback.
Climate change has costs. A 2017 study by the U.S.
Government Ac countabil ity Oce (GAO) found
that the U.S. federal government spent $350 billion
on climate change disa sters since 2007.1 GAO predicted
those costs could go as hig h as $35 billion a year by 2050,
with the Southeast facing the highest costs due to coasta l
property loss.2 Despite this ana lysis, and the growing con-
sensus within the U.S. government about the urgency of
climate change mitigation and adaptation,3 the Donald
Trump Administration associates with cl imate denialists, 4
and in March 2017, issued the pro-fossil fuels Executive
Order “Promoting E nergy Independence a nd Economic
Growth” (Climate EO).5 e president also announced
the Administration’s intent to withdraw the United States
from the Paris Agreement.6
Global temperatures are higher today tha n at any time
in the past 800,000 ye ars.7 e scientic community agrees
that this rise is due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
from industrial-scale huma n activity—notably, land use
and the combustion of carbon-based fuels.8 is carbon
pollution has tremendous social costs: more frequent and
severe weather-related disasters, the public health eects of
excess heat and smog, the displacement of entire cities due
to rising seas, water shortage, and famine—a nd increased
political volatility, as economies are disrupted, and life-
sustaining resources run dry.9
1. U.S. GAO, C C: I  P E
E C H G F E  R F E-
 (2017) (GAO-17-720),
2. Id.
3. E.g., D W  ., U.S. G C R P-
, C S S R: A S A A-
   U.S. G C R P (2017), https://
4. See, e.g., Katie Worth, Amid U.N. Climate Talks, Trump Ocials Attend
Event Hosted by Skeptics, PBS F, Nov. 10, 2017, https://www.pbs.
5. Exec. Order No. 13783, Promoting Energy Independence and Economic
Growth, 82 Fed. Reg. 16093 (Mar. 31, 2017) [hereinafter Climate EO],
available atce/2017/03/28/pres-
6. Remarks Announcing United States Withdrawal From the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change Paris Agreement, D C.
P. D. 201700373 (June 1, 2017),
7. E.g., I P  C C, C C
2014, S R, C  W G I, II, 
III   F A R   I P
 C C (Rajendra K. Pachauri et al. eds., 2014), http://www.
8. See, e.g., Andrew Grin, 15,000 Scientists Give Catastrophic Warning About
the Fate of the World in New “Letter to Humanity,” I, No v.
13, 2017,
9. E.g., Craig Welch, Climate Change Helped Spark Syrian War, Study Says,
N’ G, Mar. 2, 2015,
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