On your own: So, you're thinking of starting a business?

AuthorWiesner, Pat
PositionPwiesner@cobizmag.com - Wiesner Publishing - Brief Article


The biggest job of top management in our company is to create an atmosphere where top people will want to spend their careers. A lot of people are content to work for the right company, I'm happy to say, but for some, the appeal and attraction of "my own business" is irresistible.

For some, like me, it was a near necessity.

People are always curious and interested in how this company got started. Even more so now that there are more good managers either out of work or considering the prospect of starting their own businesses. This company, Wiesner Publishing, was started in a recession (at least a tough downturn).

I was working for a small publishing company here in Colorado as president and I had a disagreement with the owner. I quit and he fired me almost in the same breath. Who was actually first is lost in the thickening fog of time. Anyway, I was out of work at the beginning of an economic downturn.

So, 20 years ago, in 1982, we started this outfit on a shoestring with an idea and lots of energy. I have always enjoyed working for good companies, particularly in the publishing business ... it's a kick. But there is nothing like having your own business.

So what's my advice to someone thinking of going off on their own?

PASSION. It doesn't matter if you are going into business with an idea that you have thought about for years or whether you are going to buy into a business already in place. You must feel so strongly about your new venture that you will be willing to do almost anything and even to lose everything to make it work. This passion will not only help you the many times that the going gets tough, it will also be signaled to your clients, suppliers, family and workers. It will be a critical source of strength for everyone.

PLAN. You must have a well-thought-out plan. Good enough to make you think that you can get rich. Good enough for you to make a lot of sacrifices along the way Test your plan on friends, potential customers and industry experts. Make sure it has no holes.

MONEY. It doesn't always take a great deal of...

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