You Sell Molly, I'll Sell Holly: Prosecuting Sex Trafficking in the United States

AuthorTiffany Dupree
PositionJ.D./D.C.L., 2018. Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University.
You Sell Molly, I’ll Sell Holly: Prosecuting Sex
Trafficking in the United States
Introduction ................................................................................ 1025
I. Twenty-First Century Slavery in the United States .................... 1029
A. What is Sex Trafficking? ..................................................... 1029
B. Common Misconceptions .................................................... 1031
II. We Have the Laws, so Where Is Tim? ....................................... 1035
A. Federal Sex Trafficking Laws.............................................. 1036
B. State Sex Trafficking Laws ................................................. 1038
C. The Laws in Action ............................................................. 1040
1. Cost-Benefit Analysis ................................................... 1040
2. Challenges Faced by Prosecutors and
Law Enforcement .......................................................... 1044
III. Rethinking How to Stop Tim from Selling Holly ...................... 1045
A. The Need for a Stricter Approach ........................................ 1046
B. A Uniform Attack Plan Amongst States .............................. 1050
C. A New Approach to Prosecution ......................................... 1053
1. Collaborative Efforts ..................................................... 1053
2. Improving Investigations............................................... 1054
3. Addressing Intimidation ................................................ 1055
4. Implementing Forfeiture by Wrongdoing ..................... 1055
5. Introducing Expert Testimony ...................................... 1056
Conclusion .................................................................................. 1057
Worried her parents would be disappointed in her for getting a bad
grade in school, 15-year-old Holly ran away from her home in Auburn,
Washington.1 She then met Tim, a 32-year-old male who agreed to give
Copyright 2018, by TIFFANY DUPREE.
1. Gloria Riviera et al., Daughters for Sale: How Young American Girls Are
Being Sold Online, ABCNEWS (May 25, 2016, 9:56 PM),
/daughters-sale-young-american-girls-sold-online/story?id=39350838 [https://perma
her a place to stay.2 He was nice in the beginning but soon became
controlling and abusive.3 Tim dressed Holly in provocative clothing and
took sexually suggestive pictures of her.4 He used the pictures to post ads
of Holly on,5 containing titles like “Well worth it, 150 an
hour.”6 At Tim’s demand, Holly received 25 to 30 calls an hour and made
up to $4,000 per weekend by having sex with strange men.7 Tim did not
allow Holly to keep the money, forcing her to give everything to him.8 Tim
began to physically abuse Holly and sleep next to the door so that she
could not escape during the night.9 Holly “worked” every day, making
money for Tim while her parents and the police searched tirelessly for
Tim sold Holly as a sex slave for 108 days before police officers were
able to locate her ad.11 Officers set up a sting12 at a hotel,
and although Holly thought she was going on just another “call,she found
officers waiting upon walking into the room.13 The officers rescued Holly,
reunited her with her family, and arrested Tim, who was tried for sex
trafficking of a minor.14 Holly testified at the trial by recounting her 108
.cc/HW2U-3B9Q]. The names of the victim and trafficker provided in the source were
changed for purposes of this Comment.
2. Id.
3. Id.
4. Id.
5. BACKPAGE.COM, h ttp:// ( last visited Nov. 3, 2017)
[]; Holding Online Facilitators Accountable: Campaign
Targeted at m, SHAREDHOPE INTL (Feb. 24, 2012) , https://shared
page-com/ (“ is an online classifieds site . . . where many so-called ‘adult’
ads are placed. has been identified by law enforcement and service
providers as a hub for child sex trafficking.”) [].
6. Riviera et al., supra note 1.
7. Id.
8. Id.
9. Id.
10. Id.
11. Id.
12. Sting Operation Law and Legal Definition, USLEGAL, (last visited Dec. 21, 2017) (defining a “sting” as “a
deceptive operation designed to nab criminals”) [].
13. Id.
14. Id.
2018] COMMENT 1027
days of rape15 and abuse.16 Her testimony was the prosecutor’s primary
source of evidence, and it helped secure Tim’s sentence of 26 years in
jail.17 Holly’s case illustrates what should happen when a child is sold as
a sex slave. Sadly, her experience is not the norm.18
Human trafficking is a criminal enterprise based on the economic
principles of supply and demand.19 It generates more than $150 billion per
year, which is more annual profit earned than the tobacco industry,
Google, Big Oil, or the United States banking system.20 This Comment
compares sex trafficking of domestic minor females,21 a subcategory of
human trafficking victims, to other crimes, such as selling Molly,22 by
conducting a cost-benefit analysis to illustrate why sex trafficking is so
15. 22 U.S.C. § 7101(b)(9) (2012) (“Trafficking includes all the elements of
the crime of forcible rape when it involves the involuntary participation of another
person in sex acts by means of fraud, force, or coercion.”).
16. Riviera et al., supra note 1.
17. Id.
18. Kelly Heinrich & Kavitha Sreeharsha, The State of State Human-
Trafficking Laws, 52 JUDGES J. (ABA), Winter 2013, at 2 8 (“Human trafficking
is rarely prosecuted in the United States despite the proliferation of laws.”).
19. Amanda Walker-Rodriguez & Rodney Hill, Human Sex Trafficking, 80 FED.
that human trafficking is a growing criminal enterprise); see also U.S. DEPT. OF STATE,
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS REPORT 2016, at 15 (June 2, 2005),
/j/tip/rls/tiprpt/2005/46606.htm (stating that human trafficking has both a supply and
demand side) [].
20. Carina Kolodny, Slavery Is Still Thriving And Is More Profitable Than Big
Oil, HUFF. POST (May 22, 2014, 1:33 PM),
/05/22/modern-slavery-profits-big-oil_n_5365220.html [
QSD3]; ILO says forced labour genera tes annual profits of US $ 150 billion, INTL
LABOUR ORG. (May 20, 2014),
/news/WCMS_243201/lang--en/index.htm []; see
also TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS REPORT 2016, supra note 19, at 2 (John F. Kerry,
former Secretary of State, stating, “[W]e want to bring to the public’s attention the
full nature and scope of the $150 billion illicit human trafficking industry.”).
21. Sex trafficking has many subcategories, such as male and female, minor
and adult, and domestic and international. This Comment addresses the issue of
domestic minor female sex trafficking.
22. Molly is a term used for 3, 4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine
(“MDMA”), a synthetic drug that alters one’s mood and perception. Drug Facts-
/publications/drugfacts/mdma-ecstasymolly (last updated Oct. 2016) [https://perma

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