Yeast can destroy "friendly" bacteria.

Mary Johnson knew something was wrong, but she didn't have the answers to her troubles. She suddenly had no energy and always felt tired. She experienced headaches, frequent colds, mental depression, and stomach upsets. These symptoms perplexed her because she normally was a high-energy person in good health. Due to their diversity, her physician had difficulty diagnosing the problem.

There are quite a lot of Mary Johnsons walking around today, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or yeast infections. Now, researchers have discovered the cause of these chronic ailments, from which more than 60,000,000 women may be suffering. They attribute it to a poor diet and antibiotics that kill off the "friendly bacteria" in the intestines. Everyone needs these bacteria to digest food properly and stay healthy. When antibiotics are introduced into the body, the friendly bacteria are wiped out along with the bad bacteria. When this happens, yeast overgrows in the gut and various toxic substances produced by the yeast begin to spread throughout the entire body via the bloodstream.

When people eat food products with excessive amounts of refined sugars - such as soda pop, ice cream, donuts, and junk foods - the growth of yeast is stimulated and health deteriorates. "In children who suffer from yeast infections," notes William Crook, author of the Yeast Connection and a leading authority on this epidemic, "they will suffer from...

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