* "President Nixon's executive order providing for stabilization of prices, rents, and wages is an act of supreme defiance against the free market and the freedom of Americans....Those who value freedom should recognize the totalitarian implications of Nixon's New Economic Program.

Manuel S. Klausner, "The Wage-price Freeze: Bold Action against Free Enterprise"

* "While no sensible person expects the state to vanish overnight, let us not, like Zeno, be caught up in a never-ending succession of half-way measures. When faced, for example, with someone who advocates the death penalty for publishing something in a newspaper, are we to hail...someone who offers a 99-year prison sentence?"

Michael Hoy, "Reynolds' 'Purge' Considered"

* "For the first time in over a century, a significant amount of control over education will be in the hands of its consumers, rather than...

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