Wrongful Conviction in Sexual Assault: Stranger Rape, Acquaintance Rape, and Intra-Familial Child Sexual Assaults

AuthorMarina Sorochinski
Published date01 May 2021
Date01 May 2021
Subject MatterBook Review
/tmp/tmp-17fnOtIGyf7Lmf/input 995864CJBXXX10.1177/0093854821995864Criminal Justice and BehaviorSorochinski / Wrongful Conviction in Sexual assault
Wrongful ConviCtion in Sexual aSSault
Stranger rape, acquaintance rape, and
intra-familial Child Sexual assaults

St. John’s University
This article reviews the recently published book by M. B. Johnson—Wrongful conviction in sexual assault: Stranger rape,
acquaintance rape, and intra-familial child sexual assaults
. The focus of the book is on the unique combination of factors
specifically within sexual crime investigation and legislation that lead to the overrepresentation of this type of crimes within
wrongful convictions. The book presents a detailed analysis of social context, and historical backdrop specific to wrongful
convictions in sexual crimes. It is a highly informative and well-written book.
Keywords: wrongful conviction; sexual crime investigation; misidentification; false confessions; linkage blindness
Across the globe, sexual assault is arguably considered the most heinous type of crime
due to the extreme psychological, physical, and emotional trauma it often brings to the
victim. Even among those convicted of violent criminal offenses, those who commit sexual
crimes are ostracized and ill-regarded. The label of “sex offender” is one associated with
shame, stigma, and general public rejection. Thus, a wrongful conviction for a sexual
offense would be a devastating outcome. And yet, as becomes obvious from Matthew Barry
Johnson’s landmark book Wrongful conviction in sexual assault: Stranger rape, acquain-
tance rape, and intra-familial child sexual assaults
, there are a range of inherent circum-
stances and common issues that make this type of crime particularly prone to wrongful
arrest and subsequent conviction. Johnson notes at the start of the book that the idea for this
work came from the observation that charges for sexual crimes are overrepresented among
those who were exonerated in recent years. This observation took him on quest to under-
stand the underlying common features of the crimes themselves, the social context sur-
rounding the crimes as well as their subsequent investigations, and the factors within the
investigations themselves that make a wrongful conviction an unfortunate common result.
autHorS’ note: There is no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article
should be addressed to Marina Sorochinski, Division of Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, & Homeland Security,
Collins College of Professional Studies, St. John’s University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439;
e-mail: sorochim@stjohns.edu.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR, 2021, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 2021, 708 –712.
DOI: 10.1177/0093854821995864
Article reuse guidelines: sagepub.com/journals-permissions
© 2021 International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology

It is an eye-opening work that raises many important issues and questions that need to be
thoroughly explored by researchers and addressed by legislators and policy makers in the
years to come.
The first chapter of the book gives the reader an overview of the historical backdrop to
sexual assault legislation reform and the social consequences that unfolded. This history
is replete with controversy. It highlights an ever-present misconception among the public
that is often exacerbated and sensationalized in film and media: the image of a savage
stranger awaiting and attacking girls in a dark alley. Meanwhile, according to the National
Crime Victimization Survey (2018), 8 in 10 assaults are perpetrated by persons known to
the victim.
The connection...

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