Wrap it up!(What's New? Holiday Gifts Galore) (Wrapsacks Inc.) (Brief Article)

With the holidays fast--approaching and your purchases piling up, it's time to tackle the dreaded chore of wrapping your gifts. After all the time and energy spent picking out the perfect presents, spend a little time deciding on the gift wrap that's right for you. Does it make sense to spend money on wrapping paper that immediately is thrown away? Americans spend a whopping $5,100,000,000 each year on disposable wrapping paper. Wrapsacks Inc., White Salmon, Wash., has an ecological alternative which won't cause the desecration of forests or add to overflowing landfills.

Wrapsacks are fabric gift bags, made of 100% cotton, hand-dyed in the batik tradition. They're easy to fill--just put the item in the...

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