Wow! Did they really do that?

PositionWhat's New? - Guinness World Records 2015 - Book review

The global authority on record-breaking achievement has announced the records to have made it into the Guinness World Records 2015, the 60th anniversary edition of the world's best-selling copyright book. The latest edition reflects on the last 60 years of recordbreaking, while also including an array of new superlatives, including talented pets, humongous hair, colossal collections, titanic tongues, and more:

Longest golf club. In the realm of sports, golfers can be quite particular about their gear. Denmark's Karsten Maas has taken his love of the game to the extreme with his longest "usable" golf club: 14 feet, five inches. Maas used his enormous creation to drive a ball a distance of 542 feet, 10.16 inches.

Longest tongue. California native Nick 'The Lick" Stoeberl's longest tongue comes in at 3.97 inches from tip to closed lip. "My dad was a huge KISS fan, and may have wanted me to be a rock star."

Largest yo-yo. The colossal construction built by Ohio's Beth Johnson is 11 feet, nine inches and weighs 4,620 pounds. It took a year and a half to complete, and is fully operational.

Largest collection of comic books. Since the age of eight, California's Bob Bretall has amassed 94,268 comic books--as of May 1. Bretall's collection weighs an estimated 8.3 tons. The 52-year old maintains he never will sell any of...

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