World affairs: almanac (open book).

PositionQUIZ 4: INTERNATIONAL - Brief article

(1) In what country would you find the capital city of Bern?--

(2) The European country with the largest gap between male and female literacy rates is--.

(3) Africa's oldest sovereign nation is --, which was established in about the year

(4) The three main languages spoken in Libya are --, --, and--.

(5) In the Middle Eastern nation of --, men and women have the same rife expectancy.

(6) The Asian nation outside of the Middle East with the greatest per capita gross domestic product, or GDP, is--.

(7) Which nation has a greater population density (total population divided by area in square miles), Bhutan or Brunei?--

(8) The country in Oceania with the smartest percentage of its population under age 15 is--.

(9) Which Central American nation's population is increasing at a rate of 2.4 percent per year?--

(10) --is the only Communist nation in North America and one of only five remaining in the world. Its capital city is

(11) President Fernando Lugo is the current leader of the South American country of--

(12) The South American nation with the highest human development index (HDI) rating is--


(1) What can the Language used on a given continent tell us about that continent's history? Use Africa as...

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