Working Up Your Patent Infringement Case: How Doing Your Homework Can Keep You One Step Ahead

AuthorNikki Little
Published in Landslide® magazine, Volume 12, Number 5, a publication of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL), ©2020 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.
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Working Up
Your Patent
Infringement Case
By Nikki Little
W e’ve all been there. Maybe you are at a social gathering when someone discovers
you are an intellectual property law attorney. Perhaps you are in-house, and an
inventor in one of your business units comes in waving around a sample of a competitor’s
product the inventor came across over the weekend. Or maybe you just answered a cold call. No
matter how it arrives at your desk, the story is similar: Someone had a great idea and invested the
time, money, and effort to obtain a few patents to protect that idea, but now someone else in the
industry is ignoring those rights and the patent owner is ready to take them on in court. Tomorrow.
After convincing the client that it would not be in their best interests to le that quickly, you
agree to take a closer look at the patents and the potential infringer. Where do you start, and how
do you sort out if the allegations have merit or if they don’t even pass a sniff test? While each case
is different, there are basic steps you can take up front in assessing and working up your case that
will lead to efciencies and a better outcome for you and your client. This article explores some
key considerations that you should run down before running out to the courthouse.

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