Building a dream: "I worked in the morning and went to school at night. Every month, I saved at least 75 percent of my earnings and my boss encouraged me to invest in land.".


At I 8, Vee Cristobal shared a dream with her mother- "One day, I want to build many libraries here, so children can walk to libraries in their own community," she said. At the time, the closest library to Cristobal's hometown in the Philippines was 90 minutes away. 'Today, she is seeing her dream become a reality.


The first of those libraries is being built on a piece of property-she invested in while in her teens. It's scheduled to open May 2, 2010.

California CPA had to learn more.

A land investment at 18 is a savvy move. What made that possible?

I started working at 16 in an international-shipping company in the Philippines as a secretary. I was a working student going to school at night. Every month, I saved at least 75 percent of my earnings and my boss encouraged me to invest in land. After two years working in the company, I was able to save the money for the down payment.

How did your initial investment morph into a realization of your dream?

I wrote down all of my goals, my plans and my dreams. My mother said, 'Aim for higher goals and dream big--it's free, no one can stop you." Everything that I wrote down I accomplished. 1 wrote down I would build a library when I reached middle age and I'm working on it now.

What other things from your upbringing in the Philippines do you bring to your life in Los Angeles?

1 remember my mother bringing children to our home every Christmas and sharing what we had with them--especially toys, clothes and food. I can still remember the faces of those children and how happy and contented they were alter they were led and received their gifts. 1 share that with my children. We also adopt a family during Christmas and my children are generous enough to share what they have.


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