A word from NDIA'S Vice President of Operations.

AuthorBates, Barry D.
Position2010 MEGA DIRECTORY - National Defense Industrial Association

Dear NDIA Members:

At this writing, NDIA is on its way to another exceptional year of accomplishing its Advocate, Promote & Provide mission. That success can be attributed in large part to those members who have generously contributed their time, talents, and in some cases resources to serve in NDIA Divisions, Industrial Committees, Chapters and Affiliate organizations. To all of these, and to those who have participated in one or more NDIA-produced events as attendees, speakers, panelists or exhibitors over the past year - "Thank You!" - for your contributions and your steadfast support. A sincere "Thanks!" also goes out to those companies who have supported NDIA events through the generosity of their sponsorships.

I am pleased to be able to report that the Government Leadership turbulence experienced over the past year has not adversely impacted the traditional engagement patterns for NDIA Divisions. We believe this to be testimony to the expertise and utility that NDIA Divisions have provided to those Government organizations that have availed themselves of these valuable industry-based resources. In a continuing effort to provide new avenues for member participation, we are expanding our portfolio of Divisions by adding two new ones (Stability, Security, Transition & Reconstruction (SSTR) and Cyber Security), considering a third (Human Performance Factors), and restructuring an Industrial Committee into a full-fledged Division (Biometrics Enabled Identity Division). Other initiatives under consideration or underway include the development of an Industrial Committee for Systems Engineering, an Industrial Committee for Defense Industrial Base Sustainment, and sponsorship of an Aerospace and Defense Trade Mission to the UAE in October 2010.

NDIA's portfolio of events at which companies can exhibit their technologies and services, receive timely business intelligence from prominent government officials and conduct networking activities with both government and industry decision-makers is...

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