Women Still Searching for Work-Life Balance.


Women are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis in both the workplace and at home, according to a study conducted by McKinsey & Company.

"Women often carry a disproportionate burden in the workplace. This is in terms of both physical workload and emotional labor," says Michele Nealon, president of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. "It's usually the same at home. All of this means that when the most impactful global health crisis of our generation hit, disparities increased, as did women's stress."

When the pandemic forced Americans home to work and learn, women took on a greater share of responsibilities, including facilitating online learning for their children and taking care of household duties. The McKinsey study also found that during the pandemic, women were most likely to feel pressure to work more, and to feel burnout and exhaustion consistently.

"It is particularly difficult to find work-life balance during this time, but women must be intentional about achieving it," stresses Nealon. 'The goal is not to achieve perfect balance, but to actively and continually cultivate healthy work-life balance."

Nealon offers the following advice: Change your mindset. "Recognize that no one is perfect, and be okay with doing your best with your given resources. Know that if you...

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