Women's wage's in government.

AuthorAnderson, Mary
Position1926 - Brief article

December 1926

Many women, far too many, are not even receiving a living wage. We also find that, in comparison to wages paid to men, women's wages are very far down the scale--so far, in fact, that there is little semblance of equality between the wages of men and women. One of the prevailing thoughts which has fostered this inequality of wages has been that men are providers for the family and that women have only themselves to support, with their incomes supplemented by other members of the family when living at home.

But in investigations made by the Women's Bureau we have found that women are often providers for the family, and that they supplement the man's wages, while young girls more often than young boys take unopened pay envelopes home to their mothers. We have found, too, that the women have family responsibilities in addition to the matter of pay--the work in the home being left almost entirely to the women to perform after a day's...

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