Wireless revisited: what's new in wireless technology? Everything.

AuthorColby, Kent L.


Being hip is not without a price and that price may well be a belt with more attachments than an Anchorage policeman. Tethered to technology can mean falling-down pants, bulging purses, and briefcases that push the maximum weight limits for airlines. Gadgets are getting smaller, but they are proliferating like gunslingers in the early Alaska frontier.

The cellular telephone is mandatory for today's business community. Clipped to the belt for a quick draw, just waiting its distinctive ring, today's Soapy Smith can avert the second ring with a Bluetooth headset discreetly clipped to the ear enabling the phone-slinger to answer or originate a call with a skill to rival any shell game artist.

The bulge in the breast pocket is likely not a Derringer, rather an iPod toting a music library with more tunes than a Clear One radio station. In addition to an arsenal of music, there's a selection of talking books, a photo collection of company products, sample layouts and, of course, the kids.

The next generation of data-packing, portable-hard-drive-in-a-pocket devices offers instant access to the office's custom presentation, home movies or the TV show missed on the last trip. All business and personal contacts, today's appointments, a digital dictionary, scientific or financial calculator, and 802.11 e-mail-as well as instant messaging--are in the PDA tucked in the brief case ready for any duel in the next poker game, err ... meeting or conference.

When the idea strikes for a strategic maneuver, our traveling business-artist dictates into one of these gadgets a digital message to be retrieved back in the office or hotel room in preparation for the pending seminar. Stashed amongst the tools of the trade, in place of a deck of cards, may well be a gaming device with a plethora of diversions to entertain while on a business trip. And, don't forget the camera. Digital turns taking pictures into an art form and every traveler can take home, or instantly e-mail to the office, evidence of the next gold rush and highlights of Alaska's booming economy.


The modern frontier is met with entrepreneurs in the wireless market providing more and better coverage. And, if that is not enough, the miniature phone clipped to the belt is capable of combining virtually all the gadgets into one compact, efficient package. More on that later.

Hot spots or areas of 802.11a/b/g connectivity are spreading from coffee shops and...

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