Winter 2006 - #1. Book Review - Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, Second Edition.

AuthorRobert L. Haig

Vermont Bar Journal


Winter 2006 - #1.

Book Review - Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, Second Edition



Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, Second EditionMy wife knows I am a book junkie. She has gone so far as to take away all check-writing and credit card privileges until I read all of the books I have already purchased. When the eight-volume tome Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, Second Edition, edited by Robert L. Haig, showed up at my home office my wife called me at work. I could tell from the tone in her voice I had done something wrong. She didn't even say hello.

"How dare you spend $960 on books without telling me!" It took me a second to register what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

"Your books. Laaaaaaaw booooooks. I checked online to see how much they cost. Which card did you use?" Elongating the words "law" and "books" emphasized she believed I was feigning ignorance.

Defensively I responded, "I did not spend $960 on books ... " Then it clicked--I had forgotten to tell her about this book review. I quickly explained. Her fears over the expense eased. Then she lovingly dropped a bombshell.

"You know this is about 10,000 pages of material. How are you going to have time for me and this review?" I'll never win with her.

Somewhat panicked I returned home, flowers in hand, and tenderly kissed my wife. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw them. The blue and gold sheen on the covers glowed as they reflected the chandelier light descending from above the kitchen table. They drew me in like a moth to flame. I bent over and put my face close and inhaled. I sat there for five minutes savoring the aroma of the paper and print still unadulterated by human hands. Hands shaking, I picked up volume one, fondled the scales of justice imprinted on the cover, and cracked the stiff spine. I began to read. That night was pure unadulterated bliss as I pored over the pages exploring new areas of the law that had heretofore been dark to me. My heart leapt for joy as I found answers to questions that have nagged me for months. Then I cried. How do you explain love at first sight in five hundred words or less without marginalizing the one you now hold so dear?

Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal...

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