WID membership triples as chapters keep growing.

AuthorOwens, Heather M.

In its 20th year of existence, Women In Defense continues to grow in both number of chapters and membership. "WID's membership has tripled in the last five years," said Jane Patrick Casey, WID staff director and NDIA director of membership. The organization is on schedule to reach 1,000 members in the very near future, Casey noted, adding that the growth has been fueled by chapter development. This year alone, WID has added two chapters and formed an alliance with Women in Defence and Security (WIDS), a Canadian group with similar goals. WIDS is affiliated with the Canadian Defence Industry Association.

Current WID chapters--and the years they were formed include: Capital, 2003; Chesapeake Bay, 2002; Iowa/Illinois, 2001; Monmouth, 2004; Picatinny, 2002, and Tennessee Valley, 2003. Rocky Mountain and San Diego Chapters were formed this year.

WID President Carolyn Becraft, who came to office pledged to increase the organization's size, praised the "many enterprising business, government, and military leaders who have...

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