Why You Should Work with a Patent Attorney

AuthorDylan O. Adams
ProfessionSeattle-based patent attorney
Why You Should Work
with a Patent Attorney
“An examination of this application reveals that applicant
is unfamiliar with patent prosecution procedure. While an
applicant may prosecute the application ... lack of skill in
this eld usually acts as a liability in aording the max imum
protection for the invention disclosed. Applicant is advised to
secure the services of a registered patent attor ney or agent to
prosecute the application, since the value of a patent is largely
dependent upon skilled preparation and prosecution.”
—USPTO Manual of Patent Examinin g Procedure § 401—
Standard USPTO war ning to inventors representing themselves.
Most inventors are capable of draing a patent application that meets
the basic ling requirements set forth by the USPTO. Applicants that
represent themselves, known as pro se applicants, are oen able to suc-
cessfully get issued patents. In fact, ma ny books1 are available to assist
1. For example, Patent It Yourself: Your Step -by-Step Guide to Filing at th e U.S. Patent Oce,
by David Pressma n, Nolo Press.
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