Why we join.

AuthorLederer, Gregory M.
PositionInternational Association of Defense Counsel membership

Happy New Year, or as one would say in Italy, Felice Anno Nuovo. As with any new year, this one generates new resolutions. As we resolve to be better in 2006 than we were in 2005, we first tend to reflect on the past: choices, decisions, and consequences. One of the questions I field from a variety of people--clients, law partners, friends, daughters--is some variation on this: Why do you belong to IADC? Granted, some of those questioners then proceed to ask why I spend so much time on IADC matters, but the fundamental point of the inquiry is the act of association. Why belong? For me, at least, there are professional and financial reasons, but there also are deeply personal reasons. After 20 years of membership, I still am not sure which ones are more important.


At 85 years young, the IADC is the oldest organization of lawyers representing defendants and commercial entities in civil litigation. We do not rest on that history, however. IADC strives to be the premier organization of defense civil trial lawyers. We limit membership to the best among the defense trial bar. We do not endeavor to be elitist but instead to increase the value of your membership. John Maxa, our immediate past Secretary-Treasurer and the general counsel of Crown Equipment Corporation, regards his IADC membership as his most valuable resource for identifying the best trial lawyers to represent Crown and for developing relationships with those lawyers to the mutual benefit of Crown and its defense team. Key to that conclusion is John's belief that the best trial lawyers are IADC members. IADC's leadership strives every day to see to it that John's belief is accurate.

Each of our 2,500 members benefits from the perception and the fact. Associating with IADC's enduring reputation creates professional opportunities for you. It helps you maintain your professional standing, and it creates new professional opportunities for you. Then, by involving yourself in IADC activities and elevating your membership profile, you create opportunities for new clients to retain you or your firm. If your partners are like mine, that retention result is the one that really sells them on your investment in IADC.

Of course, to elevate your profile in IADC you need to become involved in its many and varied activities. Joining one or all of our substantive law committees is as easy as pushing a button on the IADC Website, www.iadclaw.org. From there, you can...

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