Why Satanism attracts teenagers.

From gory photos on television to warnings in the local newspaper, Satan worship among teenagers has become a high-profile topic. Although typical adolescent curiosity or defiance may lead youngsters to become involved in a Satanic cult, in general. there is an easily recognized profile of the type of teenager who is most susceptible to cult enticements, maintains Wanda Draper, a child development specialist at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

"Satanism has a particularly strong appeal to children who, for whatever reason, feel they aren't getting their personal needs met at home. These adolescents generally have a poor self-image, are unable to say no to peer pressure, and are followers who are easily drawn to those who appear to be powerful."

Another aspect of Satanism's pull is that there are fewer family and community rituals in which youngsters now participate. "Ritual is a part of the human psyche; it gives a sense of security and a predictable process in which to express feelings. Perhaps most importantly, participating in rituals gives a sense of belonging. When these rituals are not in place al...

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