Why do pharmacies sell tobacco?


People do not expect to be able to purchase cigarettes or other tobacco products when they visit their doctors' or dentists' offices. Yet, they can buy tobacco products at many pharmacies.

"As consumers know, most community pharmacies carry a wide range of products--from bubblegum to motor oil--in addition to prescription medications and health products," notes Karen Farris, associate professor of clinical and administrative pharmacy, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City. "On principle, however, pharmacies should not be selling tobacco."

Farris surveyed community pharmacies to determine whether they sold tobacco and how often they provided information on nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and other products to help patients stop smoking. Of the pharmacies surveyed (independent operations, chain stores, and those in food stores and mass merchandise outlets) almost 55% did not sell tobacco. Of those, the majority were smaller, independent operations. This is not surprising, Farris points out, since the decision whether or not to carry tobacco products typically rests with the pharmacist.

"It seems that the bigger stores may be looking at the bottom line or customer convenience...

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