Whitehorse visited by woman hiker: August 31, 1928.

PositionUpfront - Six hundred mile hiking journey - Brief Article

A woman giving the name of Lillian Alling walked into town Monday evening and registered at the Regina Hotel. Lillian was not given to much speaking but as near as an be gathered from information she gave at different places she had walked from Hazelton to Whitehorse, a distance of about six hundred miles, following the government telegraph line all the way. However nothing is reported of her until she reached Atlin, where she trained only long enough to buy a pair of shoes. At Tagish she was taken over the river by Ed Barrett. On Saturday last she arrived in Carcross and had a meal at the Caribou hotel. Mr. Skelly frankly admits that he had never seen or heard of her before; nor was he able to get any information from her. She left Carcross the same afternoon, travelling in a northerly direction. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson overtook her between Carcross and Robinson and she rode in the car with them as far...

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