Where would Jesus jet?

AuthorPeters, Charles
PositionTILTING at windmills - Brief article

You've probably heard about those six celebrity preachers Senator Charles Grassley is investigating for abusing their tax exempt status--financing their lavish lifestyles with the contributions of believers who often sacrifice to squeeze the money from their modest family budgets. And now the Associated Press has identified two other conspicuous offenders.

They are Oral Roberts and his son Richard. A former regent of Oral Roberts University who resigned in disgust told the AP that "the board practically 'rubberstamped' the use of millions in endowment money to buy a Beverly Hills property so that Oral Roberts could have a West Coast office and house," with, by the way, a country club membership included. The former regent also said that Richard Roberts "once took an ORU regent and their wives to the South Pacific on a university jet just to get away for a few days."


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