Where Does All This Violence Come From & What Can We Do About It?

AuthorOden, Nancy

In today's world, dominated by aging capitalism running out of markets, ever more violent acts are visited upon us by multinational corporations in the name of science, which they own, in collusion with the US government, which they also own. Aside from their wars, which inflict much human suffering and poisoning of nature (and bring them gluttonous profits), we have toxic chemicals, genetic mutilation of plants, animals, and humans, nuclear poisoning of Native American lands, nuclear waste emitting deadly rays, food irradiation, continued use of chloroflourocarbons and other ozone-depleting chemicals, and increased violence by police protecting corporate interests.

We can decrease violence among individuals now, while we're fighting corporate and government-sanctioned violence, and while working towards a saner, truly democratic society where we, the people, make the decisions that affect our lives. Here are some ideas:

  1. Children learn best from example. But today's children watch a lot of corporate-created TV, aimed at enticing those with the spending money (primarily younger males) to buy their useless and environmentally harmful products. By law the airwaves belong to us. Let's take them back. Challenge every radio, and TV license as it comes up for renewal, demand we be given the airwaves plus funding to create programs for real people--programs and stories that enrich, enlighten, amuse, and set good examples for children and the rest of us.

  2. Discourage use of personally insulting and vulgar language amongst ourselves and in public. Insulting people and calling it a joke is an act of violence.

  3. Demand that women not be portrayed as physically incompetent or sexual victims by the entertainment industry. We must be shown truly as strong and able to defend ourselves, else the violent predators among us are only encouraged to attack.

  4. Police protection is not available everywhere at all times, and is often prejudicial to the victim. Therefore, we must provide people likely to be attacked by violent predators, women in particular, with means of self-defense. Young girls and women can be taught the martial arts, but that isn't sufficient since men are physically stronger. Women or physically weak people who live alone or travel alone at night should be encouraged to learn to use and carry a gun. Also, women whose jobs necessitate their commuting at night should be provided escorts door to door.

  5. All able citizens who wish to could be...

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