What's wrong with Hillary.

AuthorDalsey, Bernie
PositionWE HEAR YOU - Letter to the editor

Abby Scher noted ("Hillaiy Clinton's Mixed Bag," March issue) that Hillary Clinton has a "credibility gap that she needs to overcome, to win over progressives." The problem is not of spin, it is Hillary Clinton's record. The question for progressive voters is: "Will you be fooled by Hillary?" Scher notes that Clinton came late to her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Wrong. Only the surface position changed. As Secretary of State, Hillary helped craft the TPP. It does not advance labor when labor leaders promote corporatist Hillary Clinton.

Hillary and Bill helped create mass incarceration. Hillary does not advocate for an end to federal marijuana prohibition. Hillary considers Edward Snowden to be a traitor. She is a foreign policy hawk who has no problem with the murderous records of...

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