PositionLifeVac, Solare by Blue Tiger USA, and Nostalgia Coffee Roasters' Brew Bags


It may be a sobering statistic, but it's important to recognize that choking is the fourth leading cause of accidental death in this country, and in the U.S. alone, one child dies every five days from choking. LifeVac, the patented choking first aid device for children and adults, has saved hundreds of lives, and is committed to changing the current statistics by increasing public awareness about the risk factors of choking, including these five facts:

* Abdominal thrusts work in only approximately 50% of cases prior to EMS arrival.

* Full hot dogs and grapes top the list of high-risk choking foods.

* Candy and coins cause up to 37% of choking ER visits for children ages 1-4.

* Choking for more than four minutes drastically increases the chance of brain damage (and most emergency response times vary between 7-12 minutes).

* LifeVac raises the chance of survival to 99% in just three simple steps: Place the apparatus, push down on the suction device, and pull up to dislodge obstruction.

Life Vac's simple, user-friendly design makes it easy for anyone to use should the potentially tragic situation present itself. It is an FDA-registered and highly effective device to use in a choking emergency. According to inventor Arthur Lih, "There's a lack of awareness about the dangers of choking. I think most people would be surprised to find out that the current standard procedures do not always work." The device especially is imperative for people with disabilities, particularly those in wheelchairs, who may have no other option in a choking emergency.

The LifeVac airway clearing device is small and easily transportable, even in a school backpack or a purse. The Home Kit ($69.95) and Travel Kit ($69.95, or $49 with Home Kit purchase) cover adults and children, never expire, and include a free replacement when used in a choking emergency. For more information or to watch demonstration videos and attend a free online how-to training, visit lifevac.net.


Blue Tiger USA's Solare is the world's first solar-powered communications headset. It harvests light from any source, continuously self-charging when exposed to indoor or outdoor light, eliminating the worry about battery life, so you can hear and be heard clearly without the need to ever...

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