What it costs to have your taxes done.

PositionBrief article

What can you buy for $233? How about this: the services of a professional tax preparer or accountant who can complete your tax return, relieving you of endless hours of hassle trying to decipher the ever-changing Federal tax code (as well as state tax law changes).

A biennial survey of tax preparers conducted by the National Society of Accountants, Alexandria, Va., shows the average tax preparation fee for an itemized Form 1040 with Schedule A and a state tax return is $233. As for nonitemized returns, the average cost to prepare a Form 1040 and state return without itemized deductions is $128.

"When you consider the complexity of the tax code, if a professional finds even one additional deduction or tax credit, it will probably more than cover the fee," notes John Arms, executive vice president

The accounting firms surveyed largely are local "Main Street" companies--small businesses that typically operate with fewer than six employees. The average annual billing of these companies is $250,000.

The survey also reports the average fees for preparing...

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