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Individuals around the globe have vastly different lifestyles in many ways, but certain basic activities are a part of most people's daily life, according to a Roper Starch Worldwide study of individuals in 40 countries. There is good news for the toothpaste industry--almost everyone is brushing his or her teeth. Moreover, majorities are reading a newspaper, listening to the radio, taking a shower, and washing their hair.

More residents of North America than anywhere else in the world write a check (33%), go to a restaurant (23%), charge something on a credit card (13%), and use a computer at home (12%) in a typical day. They also are more likely to take a shower (78%), shampoo their hair (65%), send or receive a fax (eight percent), and pay for something with a debit card (three percent). Fewer North Americans take public transportation (seven percent), likely reflecting the prevalence of and passion for cars and the fact that American gas prices are among the lowest in the world.

According to Thomas A.W. Miller, senior vice president at Roper Starch Worldwide, "As the world become closer due to...

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