Welcome to Denver!(EDITOR'S NOTE)

AuthorRyckman, Lisa

Communication. Connection. Community.

The NCSL Legislative Summit is about all of these--and more. Consider it an opportunity to learn at more than 75 policy, professional development and legislative institution sessions. Consider it an opportunity to connect at networking events, happy hours and in the exhibit hall.

And whether it's your first Summit or your 45th, consider it an opportunity to revel in a community of legislators, staffers, families and friends from across the nation and around the world.

With so many great sessions packed into three days, it's going to be tough to choose which ones to attend. Rookies--or anyone who wants a refresher--can join CEO Tim Storey for an orientation session that will explore all things Summit and give some initial guidance.

Most of the Summit sessions delve deep into the important policy issues facing the states--cybersecurity, budgeting, health care, energy and elections, to name just a few.

Others are designed to inspire. Among those are the legislative staff luncheon featuring Olympic swimming gold medalist Missy Franklin and addresses from astronaut Matthew Dominick and former Colorado Rockies manager Clint Hurdle.

Still others aim to enhance the skill that legislators and their staff value more than any other: communication.

When it comes to governing, the ability to connect with colleagues and constituents is key to getting things done. Reaching across the aisle and the ideological spectrum require both the right words and the right tone. Sure, you're talking--but are you being heard and understood?


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