Ways to stay away from the potato chips.


Tory Johnson, an on-air contributor to "Good Morning America," is not a doctor, nutritionist, or trainer. She is an ordinary woman who lost a lot of weight--72 pounds in a year--after trying and failing at every diet under the sun. She would fail because she always gave up too quickly. So, Johnson set out on a new journey, one she viewed as mandatory. She finally realized that what she put in her head would be more powerful than what she put in her mouth. Johnson, author of The Shift, needed a mental plan to go with her meal plan.

Those who want to lose weight know they should eat less, move more, and cut out foods that have made them fat. Johnson chose to be strict about limiting carbs because it is cut-and-dried with no ambiguity. She now eats a fraction of the foods that she used to. When she started out, she felt like she was eating like a mouse but, with time, she found that it is more than enough. She does not walk around starving.

Her mind shift took creativity--and still does. Johnson has been up to the challenge, which sometimes is an hourly struggle but, in the end, the results are worth it. Here are some of the measures that worked for Johnson:

Weigh yourself daily. If she is up, she is more determined. If she is down, she is more motivated.

Pause before giving into temptation. Johnson learned that a walk around the block beats a mouthful of cookies.

Read nutritional labels or check an app. Paying attention to these details has enabled her to make smarter food choices.

If tempted to binge, grab nail polish. Applying a clear top coat has saved Johnson from countless calories. You cannot stick wet nails into a bag of chips.

Keep safe snacks on hand. Sour pickles; celery and a teaspoon of peanut butter; and smoked salmon and cream cheese pinwheels have proven quite helpful.

Put old photos on display. Some people are motivated by looking at supermodels in bikinis. For Johnson, there is nothing like dozens of pictures of her (former) triple chin to stay the course.

No "cheat" days. Rewarding a week of healthy eating with cake and ice cream is akin to an alcoholic...

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