Ways and Means members examine transportation taxes.

AuthorGiordano, Nicholas P.
PositionHouse of Representatives Ways and Means Committee - Brief Article

A bipartisan group of House Ways and Means Committee members were named to a task force that will look at transportation taxes, with the intention of providing advice to Chairman Bill Archer (R-Tex.) on the need for legislative changes in this area. The task force is expected to provide its findings to Archer early in the 105th Congress.

Archer said the task force "will advise me on the issues involving the taxation of various forms of transportation," but no indication was given as to the specific mandate of the task force. Nor did Archer make any commitment that legislation would be developed once the task force issued its findings.

The five Republicans and three Democrats named to the informal, bipartisan" task force in October 1996 are: Reps. Mac Collins (R-Ga.), Wally Herger (R-Cal.), Jim McCrery (R-La.), Jennifer Dunn (R-Wash.), Jon Christensen (R-Neb.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), John Lewis (D-Ga.) and Richard Neal (D-Mass.).

This group could find there is more on its plate than what Archer anticipated when he announced his intentions, the difficulty lawmakers have had addressing transportation issues in the past...

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