Ways to get the most out of running.

PositionIndoor Exercise - Brief article

Sometimes allergies and inclement weather can drive even the most devoted outdoor runners to the "dreaded" treadmill, indoor track, or even the pool. While training indoors is not the same as being outside, if done correctly, it can be just as effective, maintains Andy Fry, assistant director for fitness and wellness at Indiana University's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Bloomington.


He offers these indoor workout tips for runners:

* Set the treadmill between a 0.5% and one percent incline for a base. This helps to simulate air and wind that runners face outdoors.

* Change the elevation up and down frequently. This assists runners who are used to hills because jogging on a flat treadmill induces a gait that is difficult to change.

* Vary speeds on the treadmill. This decreases the doldrums of machine running and keeps the runner motivated and focused.

* Stay hydrated. Running outdoors allows for air and wind to circulate around your...

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