The Washington Monthy's Monthly Journalism Award.

Position10 Miles Square - Brief Article

Kevin Sack and Alicia Mundy "A Dose of Denial" Los Angeles Times March 28, 2004

In October 1999, a study sponsored by drug industry groups concluded that the use of PPA, a chemical common in over-the-counter cough Suppressants and diet aids, was associated with an increased risk Of a deadly form of stroke. Veteran pharmaceutical investigators Sack and Mundy document in stunning detail the efforts of the drug companies over the next year--not to pull their products from the shelves, but to shield their study from investigators and deny that such a link exists. Even after the FDA caught on (one year later) and asked pharmaceutical manufacturers to pull PPA products from the shelves, the drug companies were still trying to duck the regulation--behavior reminiscent of tobacco execs trying to spin science.

The Monthly Journalism Award is presented...

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