The Washington Monthly'S Monthly Journalism Award.

PositionHe Ain't Henry


"He Ain't Henry"

The New Republic, July 29, 2002

By poring over Federal Assitance Award Data System records--listings of all types of financial assitance awarded by federal agencies--Ryan Lizza discovered that the Bush administration has been lavishing Florida with a disproportionate share of federal dollars and visit by Washington big shots, including many by the president himself. The Sunshine State was Bush's ticket to the White House in 2000 (albeit contested) and could be once again in 2004. A victory by brother Jeb Bush in Florida's gubernatorial race this fall would go a long way toward securing it. Lizza constrasts the way the press has ignored the Bush conflict of interest with the intense media scrutiny accorded the Clinton White House when Hilary Clinton ran for the Senate. He also explains why no one has sounded the alarm--Florida Republicans are eager to see the Bushes win, while Florida Democrats have a hard time...

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