Waiver of Required Minimum Distribution Penalty

AuthorSeymour Goldberg
ProfessionSenior partner in the law firm of Goldberg & Goldberg, P.C., in Woodbury, New York
In the event that an IR A owner or the beneficiary of an inherited tra-
ditional IR A or Roth IRA v iolates the required minimum distribution
rules for a given year, then the IRS can assert a 50 percent excise tax
(penalty tax) against the payee for such year. The payee is responsible
for the payment of this penalt y tax.
According to Treas. Reg. §54.4974-2 at A-7, the IRS can waive the
50 percent excise tax on the basis of reasonable cause. The 50 percent
penalty tax can be waived if the payee establishes to t he satisfaction of
the IRS the followi ng:
1. The shortfall . . . in t he amount distributed in any taxable year
was due to reasonable error; and
2. Reasonable steps are being taken to remedy the shortfall.
The instruction to IRS Form 5329 indicates the procedure for
requesting a waiver by filing Form 5329 and attaching the appropriate
explanation to the waiver request.
In the event the IR A owner dies, then the legal representative of the
IRA owner’s estate may have difficulty in obtaining a waiver of the 50
percent penalty for any prior year IR A violations of the deceased IR A
owner. This assumes that the legal representative had act ual knowledge
or notice of such facts as would put a reasonable prudent person on
notice of this issue.
If the decedent’s accountant tells the legal representative of the
estate about the issue, then obviously t he legal representative must
address the issue with the IRS. In addition, if it is obv ious to the legal
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