Wage growth better for naturalized citizens.

PositionEconomics - Brief Article

America has long held a mystique for immigrants as the land of opportunity. This is especially true for young male immigrants who take the step of becoming U.S. citizens. Research by economics professors James Ragan and Bernt Bratsberg, Kansas State University, Manhattan, found that pay rises faster for naturalized citizens than for native workers or immigrants who do not become citizens.

"One might argue that it isn't the act of becoming a U.S. citizen that changes wage growth, but the people who become U.S. citizens tend to be more skilled anyway," Ragan notes, but it turns out that the improved growth in pay doesn't start until immigrants become citizens. This can open the door to a wide range of future career options. White-collar jobs are easier to get for citizens, he says. A person must be a citizen to be hired for many Federal government jobs. In a number of states, public safety positions, such as police officer, must be filled by citizens. Some jobs require travel abroad, which is easier for citizens than immigrants.


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