Task Force to Examine Interest in Creating New Federal Court Practice Section

Publication year2010
CitationVol. 71 No. 1 Pg. 0050
Task Force to Examine Interest in Creating New Federal Court Practice Section

Vol. 71 No. 1 Pg. 50

The Alabama Lawyer


Alabama State Bar President Tom Methvin recently appointed a blue-ribbon task force comprised of federal judges and practitioners to determine the feasibility of forming a new Federal Court Practice Section.

"A Federal Court Practice Section would serve as the bar's liaison to the federal courts, the standing committees of the Federal Judicial Conference, Federal Bar Association chapters throughout Alabama and those members of the state bar interested in federal court practice," Methvin said.

Task Force Chair David B. Byrne, III of Montgomery said the section would strive to foster communications between lawyers and federal judges on matters pertaining to federal court practice; review and offer comment on proposed changes to federal court rules, including local federal court rules, and offer educational programs and publications designed to improve the federal court practice experience of state bar members.

"Our main goal is to assist Alabama lawyers in federal court practice and to aid the federal judiciary in its mission to administer justice. The organized bar has a pivotal role to play," Methvin said.

Members of the task force are:


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