You Need to Know

Publication year2021
You Need to Know
No. Vol. 44 No. 3 Pg. 6
Wyoming Bar Journal
June, 2021

Elder Law Resources for Wyoming Attorneys and Residents

The George W. Hopper Law Library at the University of Wyoming College of Law has a collection of elder law materials available for the use of Wyoming residents. Thanks to a grant from the Wyoming Center on Aging, they were able to add more books to the library's collection that address important issues in elder law, such as elder abuse, health care decision-making and financial planning. There are resources that would be helpful to attorneys and their clients.

Provided is a list of these resources in the form of a guide ( elderlaw) which includes not only these books but also freely available resources, such as websites, blogs and podcasts.The law library lends directly to Wyoming attorneys. If you are interested in borrowing one of the books listed, please contact the library at lawref@uwyo. edu.

For more information about the law library's collections and services, please contact the


Each year, the Wyoming State Bar seeks nominations for the Pro Bono Awards. These awards recognize dedicated members of the legal profession who are committed to providing legal services to the poor in Wyoming.

Attorneys are in a unique position to help those who cannot afford access to the legal system. The Wyoming State Bar seeks nominations of deserving individuals, groups and entities that perform exceptional work in the field of legal services to the poor.

Award nomination forms and supporting materials must be received on or before July 31,2021, at 5:00 p.m. Nomination packets may be sent by mail to Wyoming State Bar, P.O...

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