Vol. 34, No. 6, 6. From the Top.

Authorby Eric E. Jones President, Wyoming State Bar

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 34, No. 6, 6.

From the Top

Wyoming LawyerIssue: December, 2011From the Topby Eric E. Jones President, Wyoming State BarSeason's Greetings!

I hope the December issue of the Wyoming Lawyer finds you in good health and spirits. The Bar and I have been active over the last two months. In addition to the normal business, we had the opportunity to welcome 68 new attorneys to the Bar. I had the privilege as your President to address the new admittees. Although I had several points I think will help them get started, I want to share just a couple of those thoughts with you. First, I explained there is always time to be ladies and gentlemen. Often we do not use our best manners; nor do we treat other lawyers as we should. Second, I relayed the point that we need to get back to the days of a coUegial bar-meaning attorneys should call each other to try to work out the issues before involving the Court. Although Wyoming is a vast expanse, we are a small bar. I encourage any one of you to make a phone call before sending a scathing e-mail. A telephone call goes a long way versus a ten word reply from your Blackberry or iPhone. Finally, I relayed to them that by joining our profession, they are becoming leaders in their communities and leaders in society as a whole.

The other business of the Bar is filling the vacancies of the Bar's committees and boards. My role as President provided me the opportunity to visit with several attorneys throughout the state that I normally would not visit or have the opportunity to meet. I want to express my thanks to everyone who has volunteered their time and graciously accepted the responsibility to serve. I also had the privilege of meeting with the Editorial Committee of the Wyoming Lawyer. They are a dedicated group of lawyers that brainstorm ideas, determine authors and review the articles that eventually become the publication you are reading. Through their hard work and the unending efforts of Sharon Wilkinson, Wyoming State Bar Deputy Executive Director and Editor of the magazine, the Wyoming Lawyer was awarded a 2011 Luminary Award for Excellence in Regular Publications. Congratulations! This honor makes us all proud to be Wyoming lawyers.

As we approach year-end, I again emphasize finding balance in our lives. The holiday season is often a difficult...

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