Vol. 31, No. 2, #2. Executive Director's Report.

AuthorAuthor: Sleeter C. Dover

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 31, No. 2, #2.

Executive Director's Report

Wyoming Bar Journal Issue: April, 2008 Author: Sleeter C. Dover Executive Director's Report

Any sign of spring?Okay, I give! Uncle! Or whatever epithet or adjective that I can bring to bear, I will readily provide in order to see this wind-blown, snow-covered, deep-freeze, dark and dreary winter move on to miserable winter history!

Is it just me or have we returned "back to the future" to only find out that the future is the ghost of winters past? Please tell me we have finally seen the last of those "on-site" weather reporters huddled against a howling wind on blurred white-out screens promising blue skies and rising temperatures, only to have them resurface a few days later with "updates" of the same storm that just simply refuses to move on out of the area?

Oh, and another thing! What in the H, E, double hockey sticks ever happened to global warming?! Has global atmospherics and futuristic natural phenomena prognostications been left in the hands of "weather reporters" also? Is there nothing we can get right in this country anymore? Is natural science still "natural?" Is it "natural" to make snow men in Dallas? Atlanta? Jacksonville? What's next? Surfing Powder River?

I feel much better now. Nothing like a good old fashioned rant about this time of year to get fired up for warm, sunshiny days ahead! Surely. Maybe? Hopefully! Perhaps I have kind of taken this "March Madness" business literally.

Speaking of which, I suppose basketball March Madness was put on this earth specifically in aid of winter-weary freakatoids like myself as a bridge to The Masters. Now, I considered adding "golf tournament" after The Masters, but for an old southerner like me, having to add golf tournament after The Masters borders on the sacrilege. It is fairly well established that The Masters is not a golf tournament; it is THE golf tournament. And we all know full well that thereafter, summer will quickly follow. It's the law! Isn't it? Well it should be!

While I am at it, you should know that as I write this, the real deal March Madness is rapidly approaching and moving inexorably towards what should prove to be a truly climactic finish. Alas, I must also report that the news out of Las Vegas on this day has added a somewhat bleak veneer to all of our anticipated...

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