Vol. 29, No. 6 #4 (December 2006). FROM THE PRESIDENT.

AuthorBy Joseph B. Bluemel

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 29, No. 6 #4 (December 2006).


WYOMING LAWYERDecember 2006/Vol. 29, No. 6FROM THE PRESIDENT . . .By Joseph B. Bluemel

It has been two months since my last opportunity to communicate with my friends and colleagues of the Wyoming State Bar. In that brief time, much has happened with the Bar and in all our lives. There have been members who left the active practice of law to take a seat on the bench. I have had the honor to speak on behalf of the Bar at the robing ceremonies of Mike Greer who took his seat in the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial District in Evanston and Steve Cranfill who took his seat in the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District in Cody. Dan Forgey has been appointed to the bench in the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial District in Rock Springs, and John Fenn has been appointed to the bench in the Fourth Judicial District Court in Sheridan. The change in careers from lawyer to judge for these four attorneys is one form of evidence of the changes in the practice of law in Wyoming and our lives. Their clients will miss them, and their roles in the legal system has changed. I wish the best to these new judges and the parties and attorneys who will appear before them. Upon Steve Cranfill taking his seat on the District Court Bench in Cody he resigned his position as Vice President with the Bar. Rick Lavery of Evanston, Wyoming, who had served as the commissioner from the Third Judicial District, was selected by the Board to fill the vacancy left by Steve. There were three applicants for the position and I thank those applicants for their interest while welcoming Rick to the Board. In addition to the vacancy of Vice President, there was a vacancy for a commissioner from the Fifth Judicial District. Again, there was significant interest for the vacancy and the Board selected Brad Bonner of Powell to fill the vacancy. I welcome Brad to the Board.

Rick and Brad joined the other members of the board in November and participated in the board meeting in Thermopolis. The Board of Officers of the Wyoming State Bar has been hard at work. Nearly a year and a half ago, the Board of Bar Commissioners met in Evanston and set goals for the Bar for the next two years. One of those goals was to raise public awareness of the rule of law and the roles that attorneys and...

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