Vol. 29, No. 1 #10 (February 2006). FROM THE PRESIDENT.

AuthorBy Warren A. Lauer

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 29, No. 1 #10 (February 2006).


WYOMING LAWYERFebruary 2006/Vol. 29, No. 1FROM THE PRESIDENT . . .By Warren A. Lauer

An Invitation Kari Gray of Douglas and Greg Weisz of Laramie, Co-Chairs for the 2006 Wyoming State Bar Summit and Judicial Conference join me along with our Summit planning teammates in requesting your presence and attendance at the beautiful University of Wyoming Summer Campus on August 15th through the 18th. You are assured to enjoy an exciting package of continuing legal education, distinguished speakers, great events and renewed friendships.

"Wyoming Lawyers: A Mosaic of Commitment" is the theme you will discover at the Summit that consists of a variety of pieces of mosaics the weave through a legion of stimulating topics and presentations. The underlying benchmarks of the mosaics will provide an outline for lawyers of ways to improve the quality of their skills, ethics and legal services through a choice of a full spectrum of practice areas.

A Sneak Peak

Carl M. Williams, JD '56, U.W., and Dean Jerry Parkinson have graciously committed the Carl M. Williams Speakers Series on Ethics and Professionalism to the 2006 Bar Summit by sponsoring and bringing a motivational and compelling speaker, Morris Dees, the founder and Chief Trial Counsel of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama. You will hear Dees at the "Diamonds and Dinner in the Gem City" set for Thursday night, August 17th.

While on the subject of the U.W. College of Law, we have extended invitations to all the U.W. law school students, including this year's May graduates and this coming Fall term first year students - to attend the entire Summit Meeting, without charge, as the guest of your Wyoming State Bar.

A portion of the Summit will emphasize effective appellate practice before the Wyoming Supreme Court, including case procedure, effective legal writing and reasoning. The Court will also hold session for oral argument, followed by the Court's panel critique and discussion of the briefs and arguments.

Dr. Douglas Owsley, Wyoming native, U.W. graduate, renowned forensic anthropologist who is the museum curator for forensic anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, is preparing a presentation for the Summit that promises to be an extraordinary event for all Summit guests. Some of Doug's...

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