Vol. 28, No. 6 #4 (December 2005). PRESIDENT'S REPORT.

AuthorBy Warren A. Lauer

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 28, No. 6 #4 (December 2005).



2006 Annual Meeting and Judicial ConferenceFirst and foremost! The 2006 Wyoming State Bar Annual Meeting and Judicial Conference will

be held at the University of Wyoming Campus in Laramie, from Tuesday evening, August 16th through Friday afternoon, August, 19th. Mark your calendars, call your out-of-state attorney friends, former classmates, and reserve your motel rooms. There are not too many other places as unique and enjoyable as Laramie and the University of Wyoming Campus during the month of August. I am fortunate that two very capable, energetic Wyoming lawyers have agreed to co-chair the planning, organizing and implementation of plans, along with our Bar staff. I'm not going to write about the two co-chairpersons - yet. But stay tuned, because our co-chairs will be unveiling plans for an annual meeting you won't want to miss!

My First 60 Days

Reflecting upon the past two months and contemplating how I might report to the Bar, I feel somewhat like the minister who presented his monthly report to the church board and congregation. His report went something like this: "I prepared and delivered four separate Sunday sermons and led four separate Bible classes during Church School; I visited and prayed with three shut-ins; made ten hospital visits; performed one wedding and three funerals; counseled separately with six members of the congregation; and, wrote and responded by letter nine times." My first sixty days were similar to the minister's because I, too, have been engaged in a whirlwind of activity. However, I would not trade duties with the minister. Working with the business of the Bar is less challenging but more fun than saving souls! I am having a very enjoyable and rewarding time as Bar president.

Judge Deegan's Robing Ceremony

I attended the robing ceremony for Hon. Nick Deegan, district judge for the Sixth Judicial District in Gillette. I was honored to represent the Bar with some very distinguished people, including: Governor Dave Freudenthal and First Lady Nancy Freudenthal; Judge Terry O'Brien,

of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals; Chief Justice William Hill and Justices Michael Golden, Barton Voigt, and E. James Burke; Clerk of the...

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