Vol. 28, No. 3 #8 (June 2005). A Trial of Taste and Fitness.

AuthorBy Sylvia Moore

Wyoming Bar Journal


Vol. 28, No. 3 #8 (June 2005).

A Trial of Taste and Fitness

WYOMING LAWYERJune 2005/Vol. XXVIII, No. 3A Trial of Taste and FitnessBy Sylvia Moore

Alarming statistics scream daily from the newspapers and from the lips of news commentators. Americans, along with most of the rest of the world, are getting fat. As busy professionals, you don't want to take time to worry about physical activity and choosing foods carefully, but can you afford to ignore the foundations for good health? Just like billable hours will generate income, small daily investments in healthy lifestyle will support your long-term productivity - at work and at play. Mature professionals who adopt a "fad free" approach to eating and activity will find themselves energized, focused, and skilled at balancing the many demands on their time.

Activity to Support Your Busy Lifestyle

Begin by adding some routine health behaviors. Physical activity is an easy area to target. Your goal will be at least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day - more when it is possible. Before you stop reading because you can't imagine finding another 30 minutes in your day, realize that physical activity doesn't have to happen in one big chunk. Look for ways to incorporate small amounts of extra activity - stand while talking on the phone; plan stretch breaks when spending long hours at the computer; take the stairs instead of the elevator (down at first and both directions as fitness improves); park your car in the furthest corner of the lot, or walk or bicycle to work if weather and distance permit; schedule meetings with colleagues as "walk and talk" sessions; etc. - you get the idea. If you are one of those people who require proof of performance (or simply like gadgets), get a pedometer to record your daily steps. Find your baseline and increase by 10% each week as you work towards a consistent 10,000 steps each day.

Act and think like a kid again - play and experience the joy of movement. If you can't remember those playful feelings, go visit a playground and watch how children dance, run, jump and laugh just because it makes them feel good.

Food - More Than a Four-Letter Word

It's time to put some color in those cheeks! If you have been in the rut of trying to satisfy your hunger with whatever you can find in the vending machine or...

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