Law Practice Management

Publication year2022
Law Practice Management
No. Vol. 28 No. 2 Pg. 46
Georgia Bar Journal
October, 2022

Three Pieces of Information You Must Have to End the Year Strong

If you have ever wondered how to accelerate the results you are getting from your law practice, this article is for you.


Ready for Q4?

We are headed into what can be a BIG time of year as law practice owners. The fourth quarter is your final push to meet your 2022 goals. In sports, the fourth quarter is where all the action is─unless the game was a total blowout from the beginning. Assuming it was not, and you are not a Falcons fan, the fourth quarter is where momentum builds, and incredible things can happen.

At the Law Practice Management Program, we want that for you. We know that a strong end to one year catapults your success in the next year. Why? Because success begets success.

So, how about we check in on your goals? Maybe you are right on track. Maybe you are not where you want to be. Maybe you are feeling great and want to keep the momentum moving.

Regardless of where you are, if you are wondering, "How do I accelerate the results I am getting?" then this article is for you.

The number one place─the best and only place─to start is with your data.

Your data is the best indicator of what strategic moves you need to make to hit your goals. Without sound data, you could implement an incredible strategy or tactic at the wrong time or in the wrong order. Data helps you see what is happening in your law practice and where the leaks may be in your process.

Below are three pieces of information you must have to end the year strong.

1. Who Your Ideal Client Is

Running a six- or seven-figure law practice with ease requires you to divorce the "whatever walks in the door" mentality that may have served you when you were starting out. Instead, you should define the types of legal matters and clients with whom you prefer to work. As the owner of your law practice, you get to decide this. You get to choose what types of matters you work on and with whom. You have agency here. The sooner you realize, accept and own this reality, you will be able to attract those clients and run a law practice you enjoy. Knowing your ideal client allows you to better position your law firm as the best solution to their problem. You show up with more clarity and confidence in your marketing, networking, consultations and related spaces.

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