Member Benefits

CitationVol. 28 No. 1 Pg. 0060
Publication year2022
Member Benefits
No. Vol. 28, No. 1, Pg. 60
Georgia Bar Journal
August, 2022

You’re Invited to the Take Charge! Solo & Small Firm Conference: The Revival


The Take Charge! Solo & Small Firm Conference will be held Sept. 22-23 at the Bar Center in Atlanta. Make plans to attend this event as it's "revived" after a two-year hiatus.

What is more exhilarating than a three-ring circus? Possibly the revival of the Law Practice Management Program's annual Solo & Small Firm Conference after a two-year interruption. If you have attended, you know what I mean by my comparison. This event is brimming with excellent speakers, knowledgeable tech experts, solution providers, and lots of good food and conversation. A goal for this event is to provide our members the opportunity to engage with top technology, financial and practice management professionals for a two-day experience with minimal cost in terms of time and resources. We do this by utilizing the Bar Conference Center, producing it in-house with Bar staff, and by inviting sponsors and exhibitors to help defray expenses. Each year we have accomplished this goal, which is evidenced by increased participation and good reviews. A variety of sessions and topics that cover the essential elements of running an excellent law firm creates value to lawyers, no matter their area of practice. Read more and start planning.

Court of Appeals Judges (left to right) Carla Wong McMillian, Kenneth B. Hodges III, Sara L. Doyle and M. Yvette Miller address the audience at the Take Charge! Solo & Small Firm Conference in 2019.

This year's event, Take Charge! Solo & Small Firm Conference: The Revival, will be held on Sept. 22-23. Why The Revival ? Revival is an improvement in the condition or strength of something. This year's theme is rooted in a radical belief that law practice owners should be happy, healthy and whole. The pandemic has prompted a significant shift in how we work and engage with others. Accordingly, we amplify wellness, connection and sustainability for lawyers and law practices alike. Our intention is for attendees to leave the conference feeling reconnected, refreshed and reinvigorated to run their law practices with purpose in an ever-changing world.

Law Practice Management solutions covered include firm management, client experience, technology & cybersecurity, finances and wellness presented with the current needs of the attendee in mind. Speakers address a...

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