Legal Tech Tips

Publication year2022
CitationVol. 27 No. 6 Pg. 0056
Legal Tech Tips
No. Vol. 27, No. 6 Pg. 56
Georgia Bar Journal
June, 2022


Legal Tech



1 Pomodoro Timer or tomato-timer

Ever had days when you had more tasks than time? The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The Pomodoro timer allows you to work in these focused bursts so you can manage your time and energy on your busiest of days.

2 Camo

Calling all content creators! If you have heard anything about showing up online, you have likely heard that high-quality video is a must. Whether it is showing up more clearly at Zoom hearings, during video consultations or in your social media marketing, you want to look your best. With Camo, you can use your phone as a webcam and look stunning on Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Chrome, and many other video apps. No more searching for expensive cameras or complicated setups. With Camo, you can plug and play.

3 GatherUp

Are you struggling to collect reviews and testimonials? As the owner of a law practice, you know how important it is to collect and share strong reviews. Gathering them can be cumbersome. Gath-erUp helps streamline that process. As a customer experience and online review engine, GatherUp assists you with gathering customer feedback and reviews and puts them in one place to drive sales for your business. It sends branded requests and reminders to your clients through email and text. GatherUp also monitors review sites and provides you with daily updates and notifications for new reviews. They offer a 14-day free trial, so you can take it for a test drive and see if it meets your needs.


4 Insight Timer

Insight Timer is the self-proclaimed number one free app for sleep, anxiety and stress. The app contains more than 130,000 guided meditations, 14,000 teachers and a meditation timer. According to their research, people spend more time on the Insight Timer than any competitors. If you are looking to make mediation a part of your daily productivity practice, Insight Timer may be a great place to start or start again.


5 Namechk

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