Law Practice Management

Publication year2021
CitationVol. 26 No. 5 Pg. 0050
Law Practice Management
No. Vol. 26, No. 5, Pg. 50
Georgia Bar Journal
April, 2021

Managing Common Technology Mishaps:

How to Avoid Announcing, "Your Honor, I'm NOT a Cat!"

When used incorrectly or without the requisite knowledge or adequate training, technology can create chaos and wreak havoc on work product. To help you avoid some of these common tech missteps, consider these tips.


Technology can be a godsend, helping legal professionals do their jobs more efficiently and productively. But when used incorrectly or without the requisite knowledge or adequate training, technology can create chaos and wreak havoc on work productivity. The viral cat lawyer video is a prime example of how a lack of understanding of used technology can cause an entire process to run off the rails. This display playing out publicly underscores the importance of knowing how to use the products and platforms that are essential to doing business. While the cat seen in the video was not a Zoom feature, the hilarious video emphasizes that lawyers and judges not only need to know it is a filter, but how and why it can be disabled. The bottom line is that lawyers must know how to use the tools they employ. Kudos to the judge for allowing the video to be posted to demonstrate professionalism and to allow for this learning opportunity.

Headlines often share stories of lawyers or their staff who have improperly used technology. They did not turn off a filter; they did not password protect a device or program; they clicked on a suspicious email from someone from whom they did not expect to receive a message; they used a black box image to cover text instead of applying redactions; they did not remove confidential notes or background metadata in final drafts. To help you avoid some of these common tech missteps, consider these tips.

Zoom Missteps

Zoom is arguably the most-widely used videoconferencing platform since the start of the pandemic. If you are a legal professional using the service, it's easy enough to join a session. However, if you are hosting the meeting, you need to be able to set up secure sessions and manage profiles and connections during your meetings. There are a number of training tutorials available to guide you through both basic and more advanced features to help you secure and enhance your sessions going forward. Check all the devices you will be using beforehand and become familiar with how basic features...

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